Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Washington/Seattle trip

We have officially moved to Bremerton Washington. We really like it here, there is so much to do. Randy got a job at the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard (pictured below). We have a cute little apartment in the northern part of Bremerton. It has three rooms which means that Bennington no longer has to share a room with the computer and I can use the computer without him trying to push all the buttons. We have really nice, helpful and welcoming people in our church here which is so awesome. It's fun to take the ferry to Seattle, it takes about and hour but it is super scenic. The following pictures are from our apartment hunting trip a few weeks ago.

The ferry is really cool, it goes from Bremerton to Seattle. You can bring your car on for $12 or you can ride on foot for free to Seattle but it costs $6 to come back. This is really beautiful country. Everything is so green, like where I grew up in Oregon, and there are so many cute little houses right by the water.

Bennington was so happy to be out of his carseat and that he got to drive the rental car. I do not suggest trying to drive in Seattle. Our GPS kept telling us to do something, then before we could do it, it would say "recalculating" and tell us to do something else.

This is the view of Seattle as we approach on the ferry.


  1. My dad (Dale) lives on Anderson Island up in your neck of the woods. My crew LOVE to ride the ferry back and forth when we go there. They call him Ship-grandpa because of the ferry "ship".
    It is beautiful... so glad y'all got moved and are getting settled into your new home. Enjoy all the green ~ I miss it.

  2. I hate GPS Jill! I feel like you just can't mindlessly count on technology or it will take you up a creek without a paddle. Your pictures are really fun! I'm glad you are getting all settled in.

  3. Jill, I can't believe how old Bennington is getting! You guys are adorable. Good luck with the new city and new job!

  4. We didn't even get together before you left- ah well, things happen! We are excited for you all!
